Sponsored: Medical school applicants needed for academic research into medical school admissions

Do you have students applying to medical school this year?
Posted Tue 7 May 2019 - 10:33

If so, academics at University College London (UCL) Medical School would like to invite them to complete a survey as part of the UK Medical Applicant Cohort Study, a national research study on medical school admissions.

The study is funded by the NHS research arm (called NIHR) and aims to help applicants from all backgrounds apply to medicine. All medical applicants in the UK this year can take part.

Why should my students take part?

We need as many students as possible to fill in the survey. Your students’ answers will provide evidence about how to help applicants from all backgrounds apply to medical school, and will help the NHS get the best doctors.

Do students have to take part?

Taking part is completely voluntary, and will not affect your students’ medical school applications. However, they may find completing the survey helps them think about the application process. They can also win up to £500 in Amazon vouchers by taking part.

How do students fill out the survey?

When students book a UCAT test, they will be asked if they agree to being sent a link to the survey, which will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Students who do not book a UCAT test can complete the survey here. We ask that students only complete the survey once.

How can I find out more?

More information about the study can be found here. Please contact medsch.choice@ucl.ac.uk if you have any questions.

The UK Medical Applicant Cohort Study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (Grant Reference Number CDF-2017-10-008). The views expressed are those of the researchers and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.

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